Saturday, January 19, 2013

Reality bites?

We should be on a plane heading for London Heathrow now. As you can probably tell (or guess if you've seen the news) our flight has been delayed by the snow. We are now expecting to land at around 5pm on Saturday, which means any spare time we had that day has now gone.

Instead, we have some spare time now. I'm sat in my friend's apartment in Mountain View, California reading through my planning spreadsheet and working out what has to happen on Sunday, so that Monday (the Big Wedding Planning Day) flows smoothly. There's a fairly long list:

  • List of all the items/questions relating to the venue, church, ceremony, flowers and photography to take with me, and a pen so I can check them off or make notes.
  • Working UK credit card and cheque book with me (more tricky than it sounds).
  • Figure out how we're getting to our reception venue (hopefully my dad is taking us, but if not it's a bus and a train). 
  • Consult with both sets of parents regarding any questions they want us to ask.
  • Confirm that the vicar is coming to the house, and not us going to the church!
  • I'm sure I've missed something, but I can't work out what yet!
Then, as I was pondering how long this would take me and how jet-lagged I'm going to be on Sunday, another thought occurred to me. I actually get to see all the things we've bought for the wedding but not yet seen! My mum has a whole drawer full (to overflowing) of craft punches, cardstock, books, cake toppers, cufflinks, socks, ties and pocket squares. Then there are the flower girls dresses and page boy suits in the wardrobe. And the icing on the cake - she actually gets to see my dress. On me, in real life, properly done up! That should be a very exciting moment. Maybe Sunday will be ok after all!

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