Sunday, May 6, 2012

Flower girl dresses - so cute!

Okay, okay, I know. I can't buy dresses a year in advance because they won't fit them. But it doesn't stop me looking! And as I can't window shop (annoying limited NZ high street again), I have to do it online. The girls will look gorgeous whatever they wear, so their dresses are something I'll be enjoying, not stressing over.

I've looked in the obvious places -  Debenhams,  MonsoonBHS. They're all cute, and I know I'll be able to find something for a good price. For the record, my mum has fallen in love with the BHS dresses with flower petals in the skirts. She's even offered her sewing skills if the ones they stock aren't the right colour.

Then I read a blog where the flower girls dresses came from Zara. Interesting - din't know they did kids stuff.

Frilly dress with bow £17.99 
Dress with embroidered straps £25.99

How awesome are these? With the addition of some coloured ribbon they would be super cute.
Then I looked at Tesco. Don't know why, but I'm very glad I did as they seem to have a new bridesmaids range. 
Sequin detail bridesmaids dress £18
 This image seems to have gone a bit blurry, but check it out for yourself  and you'll see that any little princess (which my flower girls definitely are!) would love to wear it.

The question is - how many dresses can you ask a two year old to try on before they become really annoyed with you?!


Ainhoa @ALittleBite said...

You should check this one out! (The blog is in Spanish, but the flower dress mentioned is from Zara and it's adorable)
the dress is 23€

H said...

Thanks! That dress is fab - they would look super fashionable in those!

Anonymous said...

I'm with your mum - I adore those petal dresses at BHS! I think at the moment they're all a bit purply for my colour theme, though.

P.S. Your blog is so much more helpful than mine. I think I need to stop bitchy and start thinking practically :)

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