Saturday, November 17, 2012

Putting planning on hold for real life

The reasons for the lack of posting this week are simple - I've been busy. Not with anything directly related to the wedding, but with two things that have to happen before the wedding.

Firstly, we've packed all our things into boxes to ship back to the UK. That was a painful task - literally (my poor back) and metaphorically (our flat doesn't look the same anymore). It needed to be done though, as it's quite a long way from New Zealand (there's an understatement!) it takes 3 months for the boxes to make the journey - hopefully they're now on their way.

Secondly, I've been applying for jobs. My ideal job was advertised the same day the shipping boxes arrived. I managed to submit the application in plenty of time, so now it's fingers crossed. It'll be hard to afford a honeymoon if I don't have a job!

One thing has been crossed off the planning list this week, but I had very little to do with it. My page boys now have fab grey suits with lilac shirts and purple ties. Apparently they love their suits, and want to know why the wedding isn't earlier so they can wear them! They were also under budget, so my Mum and MOH did an excellent job.

When I've checked with my MOH, I'll post a picture of them posing for photos. For now you'll have to take my word for it that they look adorable!

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