Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Shut up and drive?

Wedding day transport was not on our priority list. I view cars as a means to get from A to B, although Gadget is a bit more of a petrol head. I told him the transport decision was all his, and he said he thought wedding cars were a waste of money.

Once I'd got over my surprise, I quickly agreed. It was sounding like we would drive ourselves from the church to the reception. Then I spoke to my mum, and she pointed out a few practical issues. You can't park outside the church, as it's on a sharp corner on a narrow village lane with double yellow lines and is right next to the road. So Gadget would have to leave me standing outside the church whilst he walked wound the corner to the car park (which is actually a field) and retrieved the car. Maybe not...

We considered asking someone else to drive us, or even just to bring the car up to the church. Then we considered a slightly-posher than normal taxi. I quite fancied a black cab, but the only black cabs in York would have taken drunken teens home the night before - a bit risky. I posted on a wedding forum, and people suggested some awesome things - segways or rickshaws anyone? - that just wouldn't work for the distance down a winding country road we have to go. They also suggested exactly what I said I didn't want - classic cars that were expensive. Someone actually said that £395 was 'reasonable'! For a half hour journey that would normally be about £50? No it isn't! Then my parents went to a wedding fair (to see a photographer) and came back with information about VW campers. Game over - Gadget was sold.

A bit of google searching and emailing later, and we have our wedding car. Although it's a cost I didn't factor into the original budget, we've managed to get a pretty good deal. Whilst it wasn't on our priority list, it fits in with what we're trying to achieve - it's fun, light-hearted, and very us (NZ is camper van country). And she's called Sunshine, so I'm hoping she'll bring that with her!

NOTE: Great excitement as the blog has just reached 1000 page views! Wow!

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